Brainvision Hacks

Info on replacing the powerpack battery and building custom auxiliary hardware (e.g. a photosensor for stimulus timing, and electrocardiogram leads for physiological measurement) for the Brainvision Actichamp system.
Replacing bad DICOMs in an fMRI sequence

An rough-draft script and details for a workaround to 'File not large enough to store image data' warnings from dcm2niix when converting a problematic set of DICOMs to NIfTI.
Guide to 3D printing a brain from MRI data

Details and scripts for processing MRI data of a human brain into a .stl file ready to be sliced and printed. Relative to other guides, this pipeline is relatively quick, allows for mesh improvement using FLAIRs or T2s, does a higher-fidelity reconstruction of the cerebellum, and most importantly, keeps many brain asymmetries and unique features that are lost in the processing recommended by other guides.